Lunar New Year 年糕 (Year Pudding)

Happy Birthday Everyone! It’s the 7th day of the year of the Snake, we call it 人日(People’s day) when it’s everyone’s birthday. Unfortunately I don’t know much history about it, but let’s celebrate with food anyway 🙂

Sorry about the late post as Year Puddings should be prepared before new year’s, but because of all the never ending nom-nom feasts I’ve been lazy. So let’s get started with a traditional new year dessert, Year Pudding.

Original recipe: BonBon Kitchen


Glutinous Rice Flour (糯米粉) 400g (1 pack)

Chinese Brown Sugar (冰片糖)400g (1 pack)

Water 400ml

Coconut milk 200ml

Corn starch 200g

Corn oil 50ml


1. Melt the sugar in 400ml of water. After the sugar melts, strain the sugar-water to make sure there are no sugar bits left. Mix the coconut milk in the sugar water and let it cool down. (It doesn’t have to be completely cold when you mix it later).

2. Sift the corn starch and glutinous rice flour in a big bowl and thereafter pour the sugar water in the flour until well combine. Strain the mixture again to avoid and clumps. Add 50ml of oil and mix well.

3. Pour the mixture in a greased 23cm spring form , if you don’t have that you can put it in two smaller containers (the aluminium take-out containers) and steam it for 20min (high heat) and then steam it in medium heat for 2 hours.

4. When the pudding has cooled down, slice the Year Pudding, pan fry it (especially important if you’ve kept the pudding in the fridge) until it gets a bit soft. Beat an egg and dip the pudding and pan fry it in LOW HEAT until the egg becomes golden brown.

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